When you were a child, do you remember
using the term-liar-liar, pants on fire? What if every time someone lied, their
pants will catch on fire? We would have to put out a lot of fires throughout the day and the fire department would be pretty busy.
You can interpret "getting burned" in two different ways. The person that lied will eventually get burned by the discovery of the lie that was told by them. Then there is the receiver of the lie. They too will be burned because they were deceived by the liar.
I don't believe anyone would like to get burned either way, but it happens daily! Sometimes we are aware of it and other times we have no clue that we are being lied to. There are people that lie on-a-regular bases and are called "compulsive liars"; do they not have a conscious?
Isn't easier to be honest than to lie? I would think so, since you would need to keep up with your lies and remember them. Every time you lie, you have to say another lie to keep the lie going. After a while, that can be stressful on the liar, to remember what was said before. Eventually the liar will be caught in the lie or will have to fess up.
Lying is hurtful and can cause someone anguish and pain. Lying can cause a relationship to end because trust has been broken. Lying is something that God detests and will cause you to not see the abundant life God wants you to have.
So why lie? The underlying reason people lie is due to selfishness. All they are doing is thinking about themselves instead of the person they are lying to. In the end, selfishness will not produce the positivity that you seek in your life. Selfishness will not give you the desires of your heart.
God wants you to focus on others and to love them as you love yourself. Would you lie to yourself? Would you want someone to lie to you? It goes back to the "Golden Rule", treat others as you would want to be treated.
Bible verses to meditate on:
Prov 12:22 The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.
1 Pet 3:10 For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.
Prov 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.
Next time you have the urge to lie-think about it! What are you gaining by lying? If you want to live righteously and please God, lying should be last thing you want to do.
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~Marilyn Biggs, See Abundant Life
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